Stardate: 4523.3-4525.6
Episode: 42
Original US Airdate: 29 December 1967
One of the most popular Trek episodes, "Tribbles" features an unbeatable combination—Klingons and cute animals. "Tribbles" is also more "realistic" than most of Trek's humorous episodes; after all, there is yet another Federation-Klingon conflict and a threat to the galaxy by a dangerous life form.
The Enterprise is diverted to Space Station K-7 in order to protect a load of quadrotriticale, a specialized grain intended for famine-struck Sherman's Planet. Not only is Kirk's patience severely tried by the monumentally annoying Federation Undersecretary for Agricultural Affairs and his irritating assistant, he also has to contend with the arrogant Klingon commander Koloth, who invokes shore-leave rights for his men on K-7. The biggest problem, however, turns out to be an animal sold as a curiosity by space trader Cyrano Jones—a purring ball of fluff called a tribble. The tribbles multiply rapidly, threatening to overwhelm the Enterprise and the space station. Eventually the tribbles feast on the precious quadrotriticale stored at the space station. The storage bins' grain is replaced by scores of dead tribbles. Undersecretary Nilz Baris' assistant, Arne Darvin, is exposed (by the Klingon-hating tribbles) as a Klingon disguised as a human; Darvin admits to poisoning the grain. As the Klingon ship departs, Scotty beams the Enterprise tribble population aboard their vessel.
One of the highlights of the episode (besides any scene involving tribbles) is the bar fight between some of the Enterprise crew (led by Mr. Scott) and the Klingons. Scotty, of course, is offended by the Klingons' insults to his beloved ship, not by their insults to his captain. Adding to the scene's comicality is Scotty's switching Chekov's drink during the argument with the Klingons and Cyrano Jones' attempt to help himself to some free drinks during the brawl.
Kirk (to Baris): "I have never questioned the orders or the intelligence of any representative of the Federation…until now."
Spock (stroking a tribble): "A most curious creature, Captain. Its trilling seems to have a tranquilizing effect on the human nervous system. Fortunately, of course, I am immune to its effect…" (the others stare at him as he continues to stroke the tribble)
Kirk (to Baris): "Mr. Baris, I have guards around the grain. I have guards around the Klingons. The only reason those guards are there is because Starfleet wants them there. As for what you want…it has been noted and logged."
McCoy: "Do you know what you get if you feed a tribble too much?"
Kirk: "A fat tribble."
McCoy: "No. You get a whole bunch of hungry little tribbles."
Kirk: "Well, Bones, all I can suggest is you open up a maternity ward."(Spock and McCoy in the medical lab with a few dozen tribbles)
Spock: "They [tribbles] remind me of the lilies of the field—'they toil not, neither do they spin'. But they seem to eat a great deal. I see no practical use for them."
McCoy: "Does everything have to have a practical use for you? They're nice, soft, and they're furry and they make a pleasant sound."
Spock: "So would an ermine violin, Doctor, but I see no advantage in having one."McCoy (as Kirk hands him an armful of tribbles): "Well, don't look at me; it's the tribbles that are breeding. And if we don't get them off this ship, we're going to be hip deep in them."
Kirk: "Can you explain that?"
McCoy: "The nearest thing I can figure out is that they're born pregnant, which seems to be quite a timesaver!"
Kirk (shocked look on face): "I know, but really…"Baris (displeased as usual): "In my opinion, you have taken this entire, very important project far too lightly."
Kirk: "On the contrary, sir, I think of this project as very important. It is you I take lightly."Darvin: "You can't deny he's [Cyrano Jones] disrupted this station!"
Kirk: " People have disrupted stations before without being Klingon agents. Sometimes all they need is a title, Mr. Baris. Unfortunately, disrupting a space station is not an offense. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a ship to tend to. Au revoir."Baris (ranting at Kirk after the tribbles are found in the grain): "I am going to hold you responsible, Kirk!"
Kirk: "Mr. Baris, I'll hold you in irons if you don't shut up!"Kirk (to McCoy): "I want to know what killed these tribbles."
Kirk (in the midst of a tribble avalanche): "As captain, I want two things done: first, find Cyrano Jones, and second…close that door."
McCoy: "I haven't figured out what keeps them alive yet."
There were 1,771,561 tribbles in the storage compartment of grain (according to Spock).
Mr. Scott's "technical journal" seems to be just a piece of paper glued to the "viewscreen."
As great as "Tribbles" is, con man Cyrano Jones is no Harcourt Fenton Mudd (wasn't Harry available?). Also Koloth and his men are the least convincing Klingons of the entire series—besides, everybody knows that Koloth is really the Squire of Gothos. ;-)
Should Ensign Chekov be fraternizing with a senior officer (Lieutenant Uhura)?
"Tribbles" shows Trek's characters at their comic best: the Spock-McCoy feud; Scotty's devotion to "his" ship; Kirk's exasperation, perseverance, and charm in difficult circumstances.
The prop tribbles were about 5" in diameter. Some of them had small balloons inside, with air hoses that ran offstage. By alternating the air pressure, the tribbles appeared to be pulsating. Others had small wind-up motors, enabling them to move a short distance. The largest tribbles were made from battery-operated toy dogs. The dogs were cut away, and the inner mechanisms were inserted into tribbles.
(From the "Tribbles" DVD; click thumbnail to see full-sized picture)
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